Survey – Endocrinology Research Roadmap project

Sluitingsdatum 21 april 2023

The Endocrine Research Roadmap project needs your input! Please dedicate a couple of minutes of your time to give us your suggestions about critical endocrine research areas where future funding is needed.

  • As an established clinical or basic researcher – provide your expert vision and help your area grow
  • As an early career researcher – make an impact now in the field you’ll be working in
  • As a clinician, nurse or allied professional – share your practical insight on what research is needed and improve the lives of your patients
  • As a member of the endocrine community – help us to position endocrinology in the European research landscape

The Endocrine Research Roadmap Project is a collaborative effort to identify specific research needs and opportunities in areas of endocrine health and disease. The project aims to outline research priorities that will contribute to better health in Europe, with the first audience being European and national research and health policymakers and funding bodies. The project will also identify clinical priorities, demonstrate the attractiveness of endocrinology research to young researchers, and align the endocrine community around a common vision for the future.

Read more about it on the project webpage:

This is a free-form response survey, and the expected completion time is 5-10 minutes, depending on the number of areas selected.

Click the following link to start the survey: https:/

We’ll share survey results and project updates with all interested participants – there will be an option to provide your email for that.

If you have any additional questions or comments, feel free to contact the ESE Roadmap project manager, Srđan Pandurević, at