International PWS meeting

Friday 22 May – Saturday 23 May 2020, Prague

Course summary

INfoRMEd-PWS and the European Society of Endocrinology are organizing the International PWS Meeting 2020, preceding the European Congress of Endocrinology.

This meeting is targeted towards International experts and non-experts with special interest in the care of adult patients with Prader-Willi Syndrome. Although the focus will be on internal medicine and endocrine aspects, it will also be interesting for other disciplines like cardiologists, nutritionists, clinical geneticists, physicians for intellectual disabilities and paediatricians. Nurses, physiotherapists, dietitians, psychologists, and professional caregivers are also welcome. This meeting is the first in its kind that will take place in Europe.

Learn more about INfoRMEd-PWS

Date & time

Friday 22 May – Saturday 23 May 2020
This event will finish in time for delegates to attend the ECE 2020 opening ceremony at 16:30.


Major meeting session topics will include:

  • PWS: the basics
  • A practical approach to PWS
  • Endocrine healthcare across the lifespan of patients with PWS
  • Challenges in cardiovascular care of patients with PWS
  • Neuropsychology of PWS
  • Challenges in endocrine care of patients with PWS
  • Hyperphagia and obesity

After attending this meeting, the attendee will:

  • Understand of the basics of Prader-Willi Syndrome
  • Gain awareness of the complexity and the pitfalls of the syndrome
  • Develop the tools to provide good medical care to adults with PWS
  • Learn about recent developments and new therapies

View the preliminary programme

Who should attend

This meeting is suitable for experts and non-experts with special interest in the care of adult patients with Prader-Willi Syndrome. Including clinical endocrinologists, cardiologists, nutritionists, clinical geneticists, physicians for intellectual disabilities and paediatricians. Nurses, physiotherapists, dietitians, psychologists, and professional caregivers are also welcome.


There are up to 20 meeting grants of €400 each available to attend the event, visit Travel Grants page learn more.

Delegate fee

Standard Registration: €150
Fellow/ Student Registration Fee: €75
Nurse Registration Fee: €75

Reduced rates are available to those attending ECE 2020:

Standard Registration: €100
Fellow/student registration fee: €50

Please note: The ‘FELLOW/STUDENT’ rate is available for individuals who are studying full time for an academic qualification. This does not include those studying part-time whilst working in another role (e.g. MD students). To show eligibility for these rates, you would be required to provide written proof of your student status at the time of registration.


Register for the International PWS meeting


If you have any questions please contact the ECE 2020 Congress Secretariat at

Focus area

The content of the event fits within the ESE Focus Area of Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism.