7th International Post-graduate Course on Childhood Craniopharyngioma

9-11th of March 2023 | Princess Maxima Center, Utrecht

Dear colleagues,

We are happy to announce the 7th International Post-graduate Course on Childhood Craniopharyngioma on 9-11th of March 2023, in the Princess Maxima Center, Utrecht, the Netherlands, entitled: Childhood Craniopharyngioma 2023; exciting times.

We are very proud to be able to offer an excellent program with top-level speakers, such as the famous and internationally acknowledged professor Dick Swaab (Netherlands Institute for Brain Research), professor dr Thomas Merchant ( St Jude’s Research Hospital), professor dr Hermann Mueller (Klinikum Oldenburg), and, Prof Juan Pedro Martinez-Barbera (University College London, England) and many other excellent colleagues in the field.

Participants are encouraged to submit:

  • a difficult case for presentation in the tumor board
  • an abstract for presentation

Registration is open  Home | 7th Craniopharyngioma Course (prinsesmaximacentrum-events.nl)

We hope to meet you in Utrecht!